Ali Brooks is the Founder + Principal Designer of Sketch Design Co..

Ali has a diverse background in corporate branding, corporate strategy, construction, marketing & real estate development. She has been celebrated as “One of the Best & Brightest” in the rental housing industry by the National Apartment Association & has worked with the industry’s leading client ownership groups in both private & public sectors.

After a day of touring A+ multifamily communities & being within a sea of sameness of grey flooring, white shaker cabinet & big tan boxes, all while property managers without any design experience were selecting finishes for multimillion-dollar renovations… she realized how her clients needed a designer that understood how the finishes & furnishings selected needed to go hand in hand with the community brand identity & resonate with the target demographic so the owners would have the ability to increase the value & overall rent rates, directly impacting their ROI.

Continuously expanding her design education & taking on residential interior design projects on the side, Sketch Design Co. was established in 2020. In 2022, Ali left her VP of Strategy position to take Sketch Design Co. full time.

She has a strong belief that everyone has a unique personality & that each space should too.